pemaje pisau khas lombok - barang antik peninggalan nenek moyang sebagai warisan budaya

Pemaje-Pisau Khas Lombok

pemaje menyimbolkan pengganti satu tulang rusuk laki-laki yang diambilkan untuk dijadikan tulang hawa. sehingga, yang membawa pemaje di Lombok adalah kaum laki-laki dengan cara diselipkan di depan pada bagian sebelah kiri. makna filosofi lain yang dapat dipetik dari pemaje adalah...

Ashitaba Flower

Kerajinan Anyaman Ketak

Ketak merupakan salah satu kerajinan yang saat ini mulai banyak berkembang di Lombok, kerajinan ini berkembang pesat dan sangat banyak diminati oleh penikmat kerajinan domestik maupun mancanegara..

menjadi reseller produk ashitaba kami

Mau ikut jualan ashitaba..???

Kami Mencari Reseller Produk Ashitaba.. Demi memperluas Jaringan penjualan, kami membuka kerjasama untuk siapa saja yang ingin ikut untuk menjadi distributor atau penyalur produk ashitaba kami. ...

lombok hand weaving

Lombok Hand Weaving - Sembalun Woven

Lombok is one region in Indonesia that produced weaving with very reach texture and design. people of Lombok wearing weaving cloth on some of culture ceremonial and it has sacred value. also for traditional Lombok people (Sasak Tribe) some kind of weaving as a social identity...

Sasak Tribe traditional fish trap

kodong is a simple trap to catch the fish. it made from bamboo and ratan, over a hundreed years traditional people using kodong as trap to catch the fish on the river..

Our Ashitaba Plantation on Lombok

Ashitaba (Angelica keiskei Koidzumi) adalah salah satu jenis tanaman obat yang sangat populer di Jepang. Getah Ashitaba merupakan bahan baku utama produk obat-obatan, sementara daunnya adalah bahan baku Teh Herbal dan kopi Ashitaba (bubuk) yang berfungsi sebagai anti oxidant,.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Guan yunchang - An Inspiration Figure

Last night watching the lost Bladesman Movie from pirated CD that I bough from patio shop. How Guan Yu is a big-hearted, diciplin, polite and humanist. It was so Inspiring me so i think i need to post something about Guan Yu on my Blog for the honor, even it just only copy paste biography of Him.

Guan Yunchang - Donnie Yen Best Character of Guan yu Ever
Place of Birth: Xie County, Hedong (Presently Yuncheng in Shan Xi Province)
Lifespan: AD 162 – 219 (57 Years)
Titles: General Who Eliminates Bandits, Lord of Hanshou Precinct, Courageous and Harmonious Lord
Guan Yu was forced to leave his home county after killing a local ruffian. He went to Zhou County and met Liu Bei who was looking for volunteers. Liu Bei, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu swore an oath of brotherhood in a peach garden.
When Liu Bei served under Gongsun Zan, Guan Yu volunteered to fight against the mighty warrior Hua Xiong, who was serving Dong Zhuo. Yunchang killed him before his heated wine could cool off, and earned the reputation of fearsome warrior
During Liu Bei’s occupation of Xu Zhou, Guan Yu was appointed Governor of Xia Ye. In the fifth year of Rebuilt Tranquility (AD 200), Cao Cao invaded Xu Zhou and separated the forces of the three brothers. In order to safeguard Liu Bei’s family, Guan Yunchang surrendered to Cao Cao and served him.
He was treated handsomely by Cao Cao and was given the title of Auxiliary General. In the battles against Yuan Shao, Yunchang killed both Yan Liang and Wen Chou, two esteemed generals of the north. Cao Cao’s soldiers were in awe of his might but Guan Yu warned them that his brother Zhang Fei was twice as strong, thus Cao Cao ordered his men to write down Zhang Fei’s name on their sleeves in case they would ever face him. After Cao Cao reported Guan Yu’s achievements to the court, he was titled Lord of Hanshou Precinct.
Yunchang paid back his debt and after hearing of Liu Bei’s whereabouts, Guan Yu returned the seals and gifts from Cao Cao and journeyed three hundred miles to find him.
At the battle of Chi Bi, Liu Bei captured Nan Jun and appointed Yunchang as Governor of Xiang Yang. While Liu Bei was attacking Yi Zhou, Guan Yu was in charge of defending Jing Zhou. When Liu Bei assumed position as Protector of Yi Zhou, Yunchang was promoted to General Who Eliminates Bandits and re-appointed as Lord of Hanshou Precinct.
In the twenty-fourth year of Rebuilt Tranquility (AD 219), when Liu Bei proclaimed himself King of Hanzhong, Guan Yu was honored as a Tiger General and appointed General of the Forward Army to attack Fan Cheng. He was able to drown the city and capture Yu Jin and Pang De, two of Cao Cao’s best generals.
In the same year, relations with Wu soured as Guan Yu rejected a marriage proposal from Sun Quan between Guan’s daughter and Quan’s son. When Guan Yu heard that Wu’s Lu Xun was appointed to fight him, Yunchang dismissed his worries as he did not fear the significantly younger officer. Guan Yu paid the heavy price of underestimating his opponent and lost all his troops in a night raid by Wu.
Guan Yu and his son Guan Ping were then captured and beheaded by Lü Meng. Liu Bei posthumously titled Yunchang Courageous and Harmonious Lord.

Orang Paling Pemberani Sedunia

Olahraga menantang maut ataupun aktifitas aneh lainnya yang membuat bulu kuduk kita berdiri sering sekali kita jumpai di TV bahkan dikehidupan nyata. banyak hal-hal aneh yang orang-orang lakukan yang membuat decak kagum dan terheran heran. Bahkan ada sebuah aktivitas yang banyak disebut sebagai cara untuk mengalahkan rasa takut dengan melakukan hal-hal yang berbahaya dan membahayakan nyawa juga mulai menjadi trend. Namun, banyak Tahukan Anda orang yang paling pemberani di Dunia ini.?? yang tanpa sadar telah melakukan aksi menantang maut tanpa rasa takut sedikitpun. Anda pasti heran dan tercengang jika saya memberi tahu siapakah orang paling pemberani tersebut.  dia Adalah "PEROKOK" (hehehehehehehehehe). Anda pasti heran bukan? mari kita review sedikit tentang pemberani ini.
Seorang penantang maut seperti yang sering kita tonton di TV sebelum melakukan aksinya terlebih dahulu mempertimbangkan banyak teknis, misalnya seorang yang ingin meloncati gedung dengan motor terlebih dahulu mempertimbangkan jarak, kecepatan, angin dan berbagai faktor keamanan lainnya bahkan disediakan pula ambulance yang siaga membwa ketika terjadi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan. Penantang maut tersebut masih belum dikatakan sebagai penantang maut sejati karena masih takut mati dan banyak pertimbangan.
Berbeda dengan seorang Perokok kita sebut saja si Pemberani. hampir disemua media, media cetak, TV, Majalah bahkan infotainment sekalipun ikut menakut-nakuti perokok untuk tidak melakukan aksi merokoknya. tidak sampai disitu saja, di Reklame disepanjang jalan, tempat keramaian, dokter, perawat bahkan di bungkus rokoknya siperokok diteror dengan bahaya aksinya. Merkokok menyebabkan serangan jantung, impotensi, gangguan kehamilan dan janin, Matikan rokok Anda atau Anda yang akan mati dan banyak lagi ancaman-ancaman yang dilontarkan kepada perokok dengan bahasa-bahasa yang seram dan menakutkan. Namun, Sungguh si perokok memang pemberani, tanpa menghiraukannya atau mempertimbangkan banyak faktor dan teknis si perokok tidak kekurangan sedikitkpun nikmatpun dalam menjalankan aksi merokoknya.

Jadi hanya orang-orang yang pemberanilah yang merokok. (heheheh postingan ini hanya iseng saja....)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

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