pemaje pisau khas lombok - barang antik peninggalan nenek moyang sebagai warisan budaya

Pemaje-Pisau Khas Lombok

pemaje menyimbolkan pengganti satu tulang rusuk laki-laki yang diambilkan untuk dijadikan tulang hawa. sehingga, yang membawa pemaje di Lombok adalah kaum laki-laki dengan cara diselipkan di depan pada bagian sebelah kiri. makna filosofi lain yang dapat dipetik dari pemaje adalah...

Monday, March 3, 2014

Herbs That Whiten Your Skin Naturally

It is a known fact that many people, especially women in the Asian countries are fond of white skin. The reason they claim for that liking is that a typically fair skin will make them look pretty and elegant. Apart from all these they claim whiter skin may make them look young and energetic. In the urge to achieve a fairer skin, many women run behind skin whitening treatments. Dermatologists suggest ways which may reduce pigmentation on certain areas of the skin. Market is now filled with skin whitening creams and products with a common "language of promotion". However, there are a number of women who prefer homemade remedies which comes with...

Top 8 Healing Health Benefits Of Chamomile Tea Flower

Chamomile fresh flower Chamomile tea is a great herb that is used for thousands of years and mainly know for its sleeping and stomach problem healing properties. Besides these two major health benefits of chamomile tea; it also serves some other unavoidable healing benefits for our health. Let’s see what this flower can do for us. 1. Helps To Sleep Better If you are running out of sleep or suffering from insomnia than chamomile tea is a great home remedy for you. Several studies have been done on this subject and chamomile tea linked to better sleeping aid. Taking a pure camellia tea before going to bed can promote your sleep faster and...

Sunday, March 2, 2014

22 Amazing Benefits Of Chamomile Tea For Skin, Hair And Health

Chamomile tea, a derivative of chamomile flower, has long been recognized for its medicinal and beauty benefits. Chamomile flower looks like a daisy with its beautiful white petals and yellow disc florets, and it has a strong aroma. Native to Asia, Europe, Australia and North America, this beautiful flower blossoms during early summers. Chamomile tea is golden in colour and has a delectable, fruity flavour. This scrumptious herbal remedy provides solution to several heath related concerns such as intestinal & stomach disorders, anxiety, insomnia, mouth ulcers and so on. Furthermore, it has countless beauty benefits too Here in this post,...

How to make chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is known well as an aid to sleep. It is also used to calm nerves, dispel stomach gas and aid digestion. Making your own at home is easy. 2-3 teaspoons dried chamomile flowers per cup (use German Chamomile, Matricaria recutita) Hot water Put the dried chamomile flowers into a cup Pour in hot water. Allow to infuse for 3 minutes Strain into another cup. Use a tea strainer to catch the chamomile flowers. Drink. You can add honey or lemon juice to adjust the taste if desired. Finish SOurce:

Bunga Chamomile Ternyata Berkhasiat

Selain Cantik dan wangi ternyata Chamomile juga dapat digunakan untuk menyembuhkan sakit perut, radang pada usus, dan sebagai obat tidur (penenang). Selain itu dapat digunakan untuk membuat teh herbal, yaitu dengan menambahkan 2 sendok makan bunga chamomile kering per cangkir teh. Untuk mengatasi sakit perut (yang meradang), direkomendasikan untuk meminum secangkir teh chamomile setiap pagi tanpa sarapan selama 2 atau 3 bulan. Chamomile juga digunakan untuk pembersih mulut untuk menyembuhkan mukositis, suatu penyakit pada membran mukosa. Komposisi zat aktif dari sari minyak chamomile disebut bisabolol. Zat aktif lainnya...

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Nusantara Serasa di Eropa

Chamomile atau Chamomile Jerman adalah tumbuhan semusim dari keluarga bunga Matahari Asteraceae. Tanaman ini tumbuh di seluruh wilayah Eropa dan wilayah Asia yang memiliki 4 musim. Chamomile juga telah tersebar luas di Amerika Utara dan Australia oleh manusia. Chamomile memerlukan tanah yang terbuka untuk dapat tumbuh, biasanya tumbuh secara liar di pinggir jalan, tempat penampungan sampah, atau di ladang-ladang. Tanaman chamomile dapat tumbuh setinggi 15 sampai 60 cm. Daunnya yang panjang dan kecil berkelompok dua atau tiga daun dalam satu tangkai. Selain di Eropa, di...

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